We are Prestige Euro-Trade, exclusive Reseller and Importer of OkO-OkO™ products.

Buy our products directly or find us on Amazon and other market place.

Butterfly Pea.

It is our favorite product. Also known as Blue Pea or Butterfly-Pea, its scientific name is Clitoria-Ternatea.

Our range includes Dried Flowers, Blue Matcha and Clitoria-Ternatea Powder.

The Roselle or Hibiscus Tea.

It’s the ideal infusion for summer in its iced version. With a ruby red color, under taste is slightly acidic. An excellent herbal tea for draining and keeping your figure. Its high vitamin C content will give you a boost!

Hot hibiscus tea is also recommended in winter. It is very pleasant with a little honey and helps people with high blood pressure.

About Prestige Euro-Trade,

We are an American company. Our stocks are mainly stored in France, USA, Thailand and China. This allows us to guarantee the shortest possible delivery times.

Based in Thailand, we have developed a network of partner farms. We also have our own production and packaging network. Our partners are paid fairly and must respect our criteria and produce without pesticides, fertilizers or other chemical products.

You can order directly on our website or find our products on Amazon, Etsy, Cdiscount and other Market Place.